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Monday, May 9, 2011

Ngajat Praktis (p.m.) : 07.05.2011

Time and venue to practise "ngajat" remain unchanged... Bala ke enggau praktis ngajat semua kunfius nyau enda ingat ke steps laban ke lama dah break... ukai anak murid aja enda ingat, "cikgu" ke ngajar pan enda ingat...hehehe

Before start our ngajat praktis.... bala committee SIDS bisi prujek ngaga ear-rings, necklace, bracelet... ari manikx2... cikgu sida iya Puan Agnes... aku pan sepatut nya enggau class nya, tang aku tok nadai minat ba bidang nya... rindu ga meda orang nemu nusukx2 manik nyadi bracelets, necklaces, ear-rings.. so creative. Ti di jual, lumayan jugak!

Light refreshments fully-sponsored by, before we start our ngajat we took photos and ceritax2 mcm biasa sambil minum tea-O. This time nadai coffee..

Minum sudah, posing sudah....ngajat time... iya ke datai enda ngajat, continue to do the beads...seronok jugak getherx2 bakatu once a while...cikgu ngajat madah 10 orang kena pilih to perform malam Anniversary SIDS this coming August, 2011.

Oh ya! SIDS Chairlady was absent laban not feeling well..(get well soon wai Jenny, boring nadai nuan); 3 cikgu semua present... hopefully by July, semua anakx2 murid pass ngajat and will be able to perform with confidence...*winks*.

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