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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Malam Perpaduan PRS, Miri : 20.03.11

Glad the event is over, lelak amai brapa minggu and every Friday night prior to the event nurun meeting; anyway, all the programme was timely and we finished at 11:00 p.m. sharp.
Gambarx2 di ambik malamnya..kami ke komitix2 di beri tugas malamnya.

Organising Chairman (Pandang S) and Organising Secretary (Sandra RS)
Deputy Organising Chairman (Emiss B) and Usherrettes
bala organising komiti benong betugas malam nya

Organising Secretary (Sandra) and Assist. Secretary (iEg)
The night begins with welcoming of guests, YB's and GOH DS Dr James M and wife (DS Corrine), Negara Ku, Barisan Nasional and PRS songs sung immediately after the arrival of GOH. After the songs, Mr Jamba grace the dinner with a prayer. Welcoming "ngajat" by Mr Jamba's daughters and wife. Welcoming "ngajat" by Jamba's daughter (above) & wife (below)

YB Dtk Joseph Entulu
Welcoming of GOH DS Dr James Masing & Datin Seri

Highlight of the night launching of PRS30 Website and Clean-a-thon card by Wanita Bahagian N65 Senadin lead by it's Chairlady Puan Misiah @ Emiss. Opening and welcoming speech by Organising chairman, Mr Pandang S, by GOH and before launching of Clean-a-thon speech by Puan Misiah @ Emiss.

Datin Seri Corrine Masing to launch the Clean-a -thon card
Datin Seri Corrine Masing donated RM5k
Mr Jetli J of Remang Offshore aslo donated

Launching of PRS30 website by DS Dr James Masing
..night continue with karaoke, Pocox2 dance from SPDP Wanita and Suara Emas from DS Dr James Masing with "Nadai Indu Kedeka Ati"...leboh enda ulih high note, bisi our Emcee Mr Ellison Ludan nyadi back-up singer for DS Dr JM..
mija bala penyanyi kitai iban
SPDP wanita led by Julia J..pocox2

Emcee malamnya, Mr Ellison Ludan with his famous no. "Penyanyau Enda Luya"
YB Datuk Billy Abit with his Indonesia number
Suara Emas, "Nadai Indu Ke Deka Ati" by DS Dr JM
...dinner udah, so what's next, 10th S'wak Election....till then, take care everyone...

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