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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cousin Rovena & UNAS in Miri :14.03.2011

cousin's colleague, Dtk Ursula Goh, my cousin Rovena and me

Cousin Rovena datai ari Spore enggau raban United Nations Association of Singapore. Pagi kemarik, 14th March.. sida bisi seminar ba Dewan Usun Apau on "Appreciation and Networking Event, to touch on Social Capital: Inspiring Volunteerism and Enriching Lives of Women in Rural Areas". Seminar was Foc, breakfast and lunch provided. Guest speaker: "an outstanding lady who is actively involved in women-related charitable work, the woman who has won the respect of the local, national and international community" no other than Datuk Ursula Goh. At the age of 73, she has lived an extraordinary life which is an inspiration to others.

Last week as we celebrated the Women's International Day, so many good positive talk on improving women's living especially in the rural areas, Equal access for better future, women to empower education today, written in the paper. It was really unexpected to see the turnout yesterday morning, poor response from local associations.. only a handful attended few from Petroleum Wanita, Women Institutions, students from Curtin Uni. and few chinese leaders. Anyway, few photos taken with United Nations Association of Spore who came with my cousin Rovena.. am glad I can be there to support their good cause. On 16th till 18th March, they will be going to Sg. Asap, Belaga to render their support to help the women in rural areas esp. providing them with health care, food and clothings, all these contributions and efforts are made through fund raising by United Nations Associations of Singapore.

Photo taken with Petroleum Wanita and two ladies from Women Insititions, also came Julia from Forum

Group photo with United Nations Association of Spore and Dtk Ursula Goh

Prof. Ian Kerr from Curtin Uni.
Cousin Rovena (Marketing Executive for UNAS) & Datuk Ursula Goh
Nadai sangka, ulih betemu serta begambar enggau 'woman of distinction' Datuk Ursula Goh. Arapx2 meh ulih baka iya satu ari ila ko kitai... she's one of my idol and role model. Last, and not the least, so nice ulih betemu with my cousin Rovena, who resides in Spore with her hubby and two beautiful children. We were not only cousin, but childhood friend, bestfren and we have so many beautiful and funny memories if I recall our younger days. We seldom meet because we were busy with work and family commitments. Thru' her pama meh ulih bekenalan enggau orang Singapore.. ma ke Spore ila lusa, enda ga terasa asing ko kitai..hehehe

Wishing my cousin Rovena all the best on her charitable work. God bless.


  1. Anak Dara Tupai bisi ngau forum sida ba curtin that morning.

  2. Nice picture profile IEG, nampak beseri...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Eh! ka edit comment nyau terdelete haiiss..

    Mama Tupai, auk maioh Students ari Curtain Uni support this Volunteerism cause.

    Wai KS, ukai beseri, berisi bisi.. nadai stop makai since end of February until today.. Enggak Shakap aku.



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