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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Last Stop @ LA : 5.6.2011

Every Sunday LA "lil town" will be full with people, especially when children, relatives are back for gawai celebration... like the rest, iEg is no exception before leaving LA "lil town"..must buy salai Lajung or Lais, kasamx2 ikan jelawat, tengandak, salai ikan telapia... ngiga upa laleh and petai nadai sik ga maianyO...
Kedai endOr aku meli accessories ngepan, baju burung sida ke laki pan bisi di jual ditu, ti bisi rejeki, ka ga meli baju burung for my sons. Now, I have full-set for my daughter...selalu di beri tokey nyO special discount each time ku meli. Then in future, will get home deco like tawak, gong, barang lama etc..
Puas musing pasar LA... betemu enggau bala kaban belayan ke lama enda di peda, bisi ga orang di kelala ari menua Miri tau rembus ke LA.. what a small world.
pangkat "aunty" who came from Miri (above pic)
seen: my uncle in hat & specs (his wife, mom's 1st cousin)
isan sida mak (indai flora), who came from Betong, standing infront of me
aha! looks familiar, the man in hat..Temenggong Atong came all the way from Miri..White T-shirt my cousin who came for gawai celebration, works in Bintulu...accompanied him & his family..:))

Alright, sampai di sini laporan khas gawai 2011 dari LA, till we meet again next year with another episode from LA. Thank you for reading, comments are welcomed. Cheers! iEg with love to all my readers. GBU all.

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