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Thursday, February 11, 2010


A friend sent an early "Valentine" to see if it will make it around the world by Feb. 14th.
For God so loV ed the world,
That He gA ve
His onL y
BegottE n
T hat whosoever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish.

Ko aku.. 14 th February is the day that lovers, couples all over the world can't wait to celebrate with their loved ones. With this I would like to take the opportunity to express what love or Valentine Day really means to me : On Valentine’s Day, I think about the people who are dear, how much they add to my life's delight; whenever they are near. Love is an ultimate joy that makes our world worth living. Love is so fascinating that you just adore the person you love without any expectation of getting something back. Love is supreme happiness and we all long for it.

Wishing all these beautiful happy couples and close friends "Happy Valentine Day"!! from iEg & Sweetheart...Muuaaahhhssss & hugggsss.

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